Published May 10, 2023 by

Normal WBC Count

General Discussion

White blood cells or leukocytes, known as "defenses", are of great importance for the proper functioning of the immune system.  Its main function is to combat foreign agents and substances such as germs, bacteria and viruses.

They represent 1% of the total blood, the values ​​or proportions that we have in the body can indicate certain diseases linked to bacteria or allergies in the body.

How to measure WBC level?

Complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test to measure the amount of each type of white blood cell. All major blood cells are measured, including white blood cells.


The values ​​will depend on gender and age.  Typically, there should be between 4,500 and 11,000 leukocytes per microliter of blood in adults.

 A decrease in white blood cells, below 4 thousand per microliter of blood, lowers defenses and makes us vulnerable to allergies, bacteria and infections.  This problem is called leukopenia.

 If it exceeds 11,000 there is an excess of white blood cells.  Having high leukocytes by itself is not a disease, but it does alert us to a problem in our health that must be treated to avoid complications.

Types of Leukocytes and their normal values


 Lymphocytes are cells that regulate the body's immune response.  Its normal value is between 1,000 and 4,000 lymphocytes in a microliter.  Values ​​below 1,000 lymphocytes are lymphopenia.

Within lymphocytes there are three subtypes:

*B lymphocytes (antibody or immunoglobulin producers)
* T lymphocytes
*NK (natural killer) cells


Monocytes are macrophages responsible for remand or damaged tissue and destroying tumor cells.  Its normal value is between 150 and 900 monocytes in a microliter.  Values ​​below 150 are monocytopenia. 

Neutrophils (granulocytes)

Neutrophils are among the first cells to go straight to infection.  They have the ability to engulf microorganisms and secrete destructive substances against them.  Its normal value is between 2,000 and 8,000 neutrophils in a microliter.  Values ​​below 2,000 are neutropenia and values ​​below 1,000 are considered severe neutropenia and imply a risk of serious infection.

Basophils (granulocytes)

Basophils also have a destructive “housekeeping” function and participate in allergic reactions by releasing histamine.  Its normal value is between 10 and 150 basophils in a microliter.  Values ​​below 10 are basopenia.

Some causes would be thyrotoxicosis, acute hypersensitivity reactions, and infections.

Eosinophils (granulocytes)

Eosinophils react against allergic reactions, asthma, and parasitic infection.  Its normal value is between 50 and 500 eosinophils in a microliter.  Values ​​below 50 are eosinopenia.
Some causes would be Cushing's syndrome, severe infections, and corticosteroid treatment.

What information do they give us?

When a conventional analysis is performed, the total leukocyte count is always reflected.  The proportion of the different leukocytes (number, shape and cell maturity) is also analyzed. Number of leukocyte may change according to the age, race, tobacco use, intake of certain drugs, etc.  Therefore, the result of the analysis must be interpreted individually and taking into account the medical environment of the patient, the symptoms and treatments carried out.

The leukocyte count contributes to the diagnosis of inflammatory, infectious, allergic, immune, carcinogenic processes.  Likewise, the monitoring of the values ​​in successive analyzes allows us to know the response to treatment and the evolution of the pathology.  For example, we will request an analysis with a leukocyte count in the event of symptoms such as fever, poor general condition, pain, unjustified weight loss, asthenia, fatigue. It may be necessary to complement the study with a bone marrow aspirate or biopsy.